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April 29, 2011


Terri Morse

Hi Betty! I'm so happy for you that you're enjoying your home and the gorgeous garden. The tree is magnificent, and I'm sure your roses will give you much joy for years to come. Happy Pink Saturday! Hugs, Terri


I want to see that hot pink mail box! It would perfectly fit into this lovely garden area! HPS! Enjoy your weekend. I love that tree! Anne

~Shabby Delights~

A beautiful garden and lots of roses too.
Thanx for sharing,


Oh YES!! Paint it & post the pictures.
Happy PS!
Licks & Wags, Niki


Yes it is beautiful Betty. Were you really going to cut it down????
Yes paint the mailbox every colour of your pretty garden. Change it with the season, that's what I say : )
Happy PS my friend.


I can almost smell them! Mine have itty bitty leaves finally! Lori

Susan Reaney

That is really a beautiful tree. I am trying to see where you live. Clearly is is not Minnesota (haha!). What a thrill to have roses turn out to be pink! And yes, I think a fuschia mailbox would by really cool!

Gigi Lorenc

It would be so very cute!


A very pretty and pink tree! Perfect for Pink Sat.


Happy Pink Saturday!

What a lovely tree!

~ Gabriela ~


That is truly a lovely tree. The roses at the base just sets it off even more. I definitely think you should paint your mailbox a different color.

Miss Rhea

Oh, it is SO pretty !!! You have really turned your new home into a Yummy Happy Cottage :) I LOVE your sewing kit, the colors are so sweet :) Happy Pink Saturday Sweet friend !!! Hugs :) :) :)


Your tree, your roses are magnificent!!! I guess there must be a wonderful fragrance in your garden! Your mailbox needs to be painted in Pink! I can't wait to see it when done :) Today is a day off in France :
La fête du travail et du muguet aussi :)
travail > work
muguet > lily of the valley's day


Hi Betty, I am late getting to everyone and I am so glad I came. Your flowers are stunning. The tree is so pretty. A perfect Sew Pretty just for you.
Hugs, Jeanne


Beautiful :)
Yes!!- paint your mailbox, I am sure it will look adorable.

Happy Pink Saturday, dear Betty. Your blooms are beautiful. You and this house were meant for each other.

And, I would love a hot pink mailbox.♥


All those wonderful blooms together--what a beautiful and joyful spot in your garden!!!

Thank you so much for your kind comment on the loss of our little Baggins. It is appreciated more than you could know.


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