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May 20, 2011



It is such a nice thing to get your hands dirty and see progress in growth. Something about geraniums in terra cotta. Such an American tradition. Lovely hobby. I was getting worried about you. Looks like you are just fine. I did the strawberries and they were fantastic. Thanks for sharing...smiles...Renee

Betty, I so agree with you. It is beautiful. All of your blooms and plants are wonderful.

This looks like a Pink Saturday post. Happy Pink Saturday, dear friend.♥


hi, I'm visiting over from Beverly's at Pink Saturday. I know exactly how you feel, things get done if you step away for awhile. I'm loving your dog, he looks like he probably helps plant to, Lovely flower containers you have. Happy Pink Saturday....

The French Hutch


Hi Betty, my life is crazy busy as always and I love to work in my garden. I haven't been able to do much lately. Your garden is looking gorgeous. I love the barrel and what you planted. The little statue is the perfect touch. Louie waiting to woof me hello behind the pretty gate is sooooo darn cute. No wonder you are crazy about him.

We are in the process of packing the RV (fifth wheel) to go to Maine for a month. Cheri' is going on an adventure. We are supposed to have service so I will post when I can from Maine. Exciting huh?

Let your mind wonder and dream of all the lovely flowers you planted Betty. Hard work with huge rewards...is a blessing.
Love, Jeanne xo


Many pretty blooms at your lovely garden!

Happy Pink Saturday!



Your garden is so beautiful! Years ago I lived in the South and fell in love with impatiens. I've about decided they came by that name for a reason because I have yet to be successful with them and am growing a little impatient. =0) So, I will instead enjoy yours!
Happy Pink Saturday

auntie bliss

Yes, beautiful!!!
Step away from the computer??? Yikes!
That's where my garden is!
Maybe my heart and brain though...

Stay pink ;)


I love the computer for blogging, but will take working in the dirt any day. I enjoy working in my yard and flowers. A little dirt never hurt anyone.


Oh how pretty- and ya gotta love Louie!!!
Hope you have a Happy Pink Saturday :)
Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!
PS I am having a giveaway - please come see!


Yes, she's very pretty!

Tami Kenner

Hi Betty...what a pretty yard!
Happy pink Saturday to you and woof woof to Louie!
xoxo Tami


Now this is MY kind of world ... Martha Washington's & more ... just beautiful Betty. Come take a peek this week at my gardens beauties.

Have a fabulous PS weekend,


Your garden is very pretty! I really miss mine. I'm hoping all the rain back east makes it thrive.


Sherry @ Country Wings in Phoenix

Happy Pink Saturday Betty and Louie Sweeties...
What a wonderful share today. I so enjoyed seeing your gardens of love. What gorgeous color and blooms, just waiting beyond the garden gate.

In my mind I can smell the lovely fragrances, and I love it that someone else loves some of my favorites as well.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend sweetie. Give Louie a pat on the head for me. He is SO handsome. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Susan Reaney

Your yard just looks beautiful. And your dog...I love him! Louie is such a good name. I bet he would love Harvey and Sophie!

I did indeed send to the first list of postcard swappers. I am just glad you got one!



yes I agree with louie the yard looks just peachy!! or should I say Pinky!!! Hugs, Janet

Joyce M

Woof right back at you Louie! Very nice collage of your garden.
Joyce M


Woof, woof. woofie. woof....Louie will know what I said to him!!! He's so cute. To you, Betty, I'm saying I LOVE YOUR GARDENING PROJECTS!!! I need to do the same thing, but we've had rotten cold and rainy weather when I have the time to work with plants and dirt and mulch! :( Soon I hope!

Happy Pink Saturday....enjoy your garden all weekend!

L, Dana


Beautiful garden pics!! Everything looks so pretty!! I was planting yesterday in between rain showers and thunder storms!!



Aunt Snow

Love that sweet puppy smiling behind the gate!

Happy Pink Saturday!

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