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July 15, 2011



great creative space and the vintage images for the tags are adorable. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a fun pink weekend!


Hey, looks pretty together to me, job well done...hugs, Diane


Happy Pink Saturday and have fun at the party, good for you go anyway! Great creative space! Hugs Marilou


Your art room is so inspiring. I bet organizing it was fun! Happy Creating!


Betty that is the cutest image. I have never seen Meg or the Little curl girl...So cute. I could look for hours in your fabric piles..Nice to see you crafting again. Beautiful space. Smiles...Renee


Oh Betty !

Glad you back and feeling so much better. And what a wonderful treat to see your fabric stash and how you have arranged your studio in your new home.

Of course, I clicked on each picture and even enlarged them to 200% so I could see all the designs on the fabric and see your fabulous hat box collection and see how you have arranged all of your crafting tools and items.

I actually love organizing as much as doing any creative process. For me it to just PUTTING THINGS BACk when I am done with them ! !

I also notice the sweetest valance that was reflected in the mirrow of your fabric storage cabinet. It looks to be a sweet design as well (it helps to click to see it). And the cabinet is great, large and with windows. I haven't seen windows too often in a large cabinet.

I bet you had fun making those sweet vintage little girl tags for your swap.

Glad you are back in the groove. Happy creating ! Hugs, Janice


You have a lot of things to get organized.


Good morning Betty, I am happy to see your post and your comment on PS. Your creating space is awesome. I have never had a special space for creating and I think it is time I did. My hubs has an office that he never uses except to leave it in a mess. I have decided to divide the room and claim half of it it for me. My quilting things are all stuffed in a closet not handy at all, which doesn't lend itself to getting inspired to haul it all out and sew. I'm laughing here, this is the first time I have ever thought about taking over Bill's office. See, you inspired me. I can only imagine what he will say about my inspiration. HA! First thing I need is a great cabinet like yours. It looks awesome. Good job and a lovely space to create.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
Love, Jeanne


Betty, I forgot to mention your darling tags. I probably will not ever do tags. You need lots of supplies for that. My cousin Marilyn helped me make a tag once when I was visiting her in MI. Her craft room is immense and loaded with the most wonderful things. I had fun making it but there is no way I want to be that involved with that many supplies. I can just come to see you and enjoy yours. Smile.
Jeanne, again!


Betty! I have had you on my mind for the last several days, and here you are this morning on my blog. I love when that happens! What a wonderful way to start my work week we another view of your darling craft room. You always make me smile Betty, and I am so happy to know you! Have a great week! Elizabeth


Oh, I see some very pretty fabrics in your cupboard - create away!


Betty! That looks so nice and coordinated. It's just asking for you to create now!

Jojo Caramel

I like your studio! and your so cute tags!


Looks good Betty! Rachaelxo

Susan Smallwood

Hi Betty....just checking in to see what you've been up to! The new tags you made are precious and your Creative Space makes me envious.

I've gotten really into Pinterest too...isn't it fun?


I am in awe of your organization! It inspires me to do mine!


That was a massive undertaking but so worth it! It looks wonderful. I'd be inspired by all those goodies in that pretty cabinet, too!


I figured out why I wasn't finding your blog! Go back to your comment on my page and click on your name :)

Your studio looks awesome!!! Cute little tags, too.
I love the sound of your staycation! Never been to those places and would love to see pics.


I need a "push" to get my workroom organized...it's a disaster. I have a sale in about three weeks, so I need to get the job done soon so I can work on stuff! Sometimes....it's just so overwhelming.

Glad you're OK.......missing you!!! dana

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