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September 05, 2011


Loretta Thomas

She is the most sweetest girl! You are a fortunate mom. If there is anything I can say to you it would be: Don't stop blogging! There are so many friends out there, and there is perhaps one that you have touched in some way, some how! Your creativity, your words (musings) or thoughts, ideas or advice. You never know what ~you~ have to offer that will help someone!
The day you stop blogging, will be the day you needed someone or, that someone may need you! I need you today because of Lucy! She looks like my Alex. I lost him almost 5 mos. ago and the pain is still heavy in my heart. I'm getting better. Lucy put a big smile on my face today! Thank you for your post! Love to you! Loretta


You better not stop blogging gf, do you hear me???
I didn't know Lucy was part border collie? We had a border called Lady. What a hand full she was. Louis will get a run for his money let me tell you.
I LOVE your kitchen cupboards. We know don't we Betty? We know each other and what's good and what's bad right Betty?
Keep blogging, even if it's just once in a while.

Brenda Kula

She is indeed adorable! What, stop your blog? If I stopped blogging, I'm afraid I'd lose interest in doing the things I ultimately write and blog about. I think the insides of your cabinet are so cute, why not take off the cupboard doors? That's what I'm probably going to do at the little blue house.

Betty, I was so glad to find you had a new post. I've been missing you. Jeanne and I were just talking about you the other day. You are always a bright light in my day.

You're right about blogging. There are many of us that understand each other. It is wonderful how like minds find each other over the internet.♥

We've been missing you at Pink Saturday, too. You are one or the original pinkies.


Oh how I have missed seeing your craft room alive and moving. Closing seems so final...breaks are far more temporary. Lucy is adorable. Just the touch of energy you need in a quiet house. I have been thinking of you often and am still looking forward to sending off my tags for your Christmas treat.



We've missed you, but glad to hear you will not be closing your blog. I too have been toying with that idea but I think I will still play for a while! And yes, I do understand your thrill!! LOL!


Totally get it. I'm a big fan of Susan Branch, too. May be you could have a few raised beds. I have to garden early in the morning or in the light of the moon. Just think we will be going into a slower season.

Your new pup is so cute.


Lucy is ADORABLE! Can I cuddle her? I agree about blogging - it's the sharing with like-minded friends that is so rewarding.



I'm back to thank you for the link to Susan Branch's blog. I'm in love! I've been reading all her posts. A kindred spirit indeed.



Oh Betty,

I am glad you have finished your journey and come full circle ! I missed your blog as well as all the rest of us.

I hope your eyes are improving. I know that giving sweet little Lucy and dear big Louie your love will help you feel so much better and help with your healing.

I love your cupboard with all your vintage dishes and especially your banded bowls and canisters.

And I think your flowers look pretty well tended, especially for being 'cooked' in 100 degree temperatures !

You are a bright spot in the blogging world with your honesty and sharing and great creative sewing and vintage sense of style. And I know you get back everything you give out. That's the way it works !

And now I am off to check out Susan Branch's blog. I have 2 of her books and absolutely love her.

Big Hugs, Janice



It is such a small world. The Azores are so beautiful and the people are simple and warm. I haven't been since I was 12 but hope to visit again. Flores is the island of flowers.


Oh Betty! I am in love with Lucy! Have you ever seen such a sweet face. Smoochie kisses for sure! EAK! The colors you chose for you Fiesta dishes is AMAZING! I would never have thought of those colors, and they are absolutely wonderful! Be well Betty, thinking of you! Elizabeth


Please don't stop blogging altogether!! I would miss you. Even if you only blog every 4-6 weeks it is still a connection to the people who understand.....right?
I got the connection of the bowl on the table and the computer screen even before I read your blog post. I look at pictures first before I read lots of times. Silly, I know, but that's me!
PS- wish my cupboards were that organized!!

Sandy McClay

You have ebeen in my thoughts and prayers.....I am glad you have decided to keep your blog and stay in touch! Your pup is beyond cute!!!!! I love puppies, but especially ones like this!!!!! If you were to go away, I would also miss coming by to say hello....my life the last year has been horrendous, but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.....please come by and say hello...I would love to hear from you! Sandy@521 Lake Street

Kay Ellen

What a cutie pie!!
Oh my, I love popping by your blog to see what's up!

Take Care of those eyes!
Hugs and Prayers coming your way :)

Kay Ellen

Jojo Caramel

Lucy is adorable! Your bowls and plates in your cupboard are so lovely! I love the colors! Have a good week Betty!


Hi Betty, I have been thinking of you and today I found a few minutes to visit some sweet blogging friends. I know what you mean about finding time to blog and more than that visit!!! However, like you, I love to share things that make me happy and to me it is a journal of sorts. I won't stop blogging but I do slow down from time to time.

I adore Lucy to pieces. She will be a pretty girl her whole life. Lucky Louie. HA! My sister had a Border Collie that looked exactly like Lucy. You found a sweet little playmate for Louie.

Love your pretty colored bowls and plates. Thanks for sharing the things you love. That is why we blog.

XO, Jeanne

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