I am so proud of what we've accomplished here the last few days. We have been wanting to extend our patio. When family comes over our patio gets pretty crowded. I priced brick and stone. We came close to having someone do it for us. Growing up in my family, we did everything ourselves or made do. My dad could fix anything from cars to washing machines. I told my hubby that I wanted to do the patio myself. He was sceptical at first but I convinced him.
Well, I have told you before that I love Craig's List. I check it every few days. My favorite category is the Free category! Last week, I read that a granite manufacturing place was having their annual granite giveaway. We almost didn't go. We thought we would be fighting people to get a little bit of granite. My hubby, my son and his girlfriend and I got up early on Sunday and headed over there. There were a lot of people there. Everyone was so nice though. There was a great comraderie as we all searched out the perfect pieces of granite. No fighting or arguing. It was so much fun. Back breaking but fun. We filled our truck and could have had more.
Two and half days of hard work, by the four of us, and we have extended our patio by about 13 feet. I wanted a sunburst design in the middle and there were just enough wedge shaped pieces to make one.It was like putting a big jigsaw puzzle together. After we had the design laid, we filled it in with decomposed granite which cost us $12.50. Between, the four of us, we created a masterpiece and for just 12.50!!
Wow you win the DIY prize for sure ...this is wonderful ! E in TN
Posted by: Elaine | October 27, 2011 at 01:30 PM
What a lovely design & coup for you.
Have a beautiful weekend ~
Posted by: Marydon | October 27, 2011 at 02:20 PM
Well look at you! I guess your not having problems leaning over anymore--- I'm glad to hear that! Your patio rocks! Great job!!!!
Posted by: Cheryl | October 27, 2011 at 03:47 PM
I am astonished for sure. It is like a quilt with stones. We recently did this with crazy old pavers in our backyard. This is far more creative and artistic. Beautiful....Renee
Posted by: Renee | October 27, 2011 at 05:54 PM
I've watched this patio come to life on fb.
Best patio EVER.
LOVE it Betty and you.
Posted by: claudie | October 27, 2011 at 06:38 PM
Wow, Betty. I am impressed. It looks fantastic.
And, I see pink.♥
Posted by: | October 27, 2011 at 07:29 PM
Wow, what a beautiful outdoor space made all the more special that your family worked together to make it happen! Thanks for the tip about Craigs list. I have never used it much, but I will give it a look now.
Posted by: Lynn Spencer | October 27, 2011 at 07:36 PM
Oh my goodness, what a vision, what an eye and I can't imagine how much work. Well done.
Posted by: Mary R | October 27, 2011 at 07:57 PM
My son helped a friend move, and the friend had had a swimming pool business. He had a bunch of various size and color bricks, and he gave to whole lot to my son. All he had to invest was a bit of Quikrete which he swept into the cracks followed by a fine water spray, and he doubled the size of his patio. They live out there now!
Posted by: Marty | October 27, 2011 at 09:00 PM
Your patio looks great! What an awesome job you and your family did on it! Now you get to enjoy it....
Posted by: Linnea | October 27, 2011 at 10:13 PM
I love it more than I can say. The design. The diy aspect. The cheapness, err, I mean budget savvy!!!! You go girl. You can do anything with the right drive. Glad to have you show it off!!
Posted by: amy | October 29, 2011 at 09:44 AM
Hi Betty...my goodness but time flies when your havin' fun bloggin' and livin' life. I've been doing lots of both without much time for visiting, so I'm just droppin' in to say Howdy, and invite you to stop by CollectInTexas Gal.
As times change for all of us, our Blogs seem to reflect those changes in our interests, and CITexas Gal has changed a bit with the addition of Tracks of My Texas Ancestors. Yep, I've been bitten by the Genealogy Bloggin' Bug.
I'd love to share the Blogging Genealogy Community with you. I hope you will have a minute to stop by and see/read the 'May I Introduce You To' interview Feature on CollectInTexas Gal/Tracks of My Texas Ancestors by GeneaBlogger.
Sue...CollectInTexas Gal
Posted by: Sue | November 01, 2011 at 07:50 AM
Betty !
This is remarkable on so many levels -
1. cost (you do very well on Craig's List !.) 2. LABOR - free (and the cooperation from your dear and hearty family). 3. Design - (WHO could design something like and actually make it work out with big and small bits of granite) !
Just remarkable. You (and your dear cohorts) did it again !
Hugs, Janice
Posted by: Janice | November 01, 2011 at 12:30 PM
Wow, Betty, I am so impressed. What a beautiful work of art you have done. The cost just knocks me out. I am very proud of you girl.(AND your helpers)BIG smile.
Have a wonderful weekend enjoying your extended piece of yard "art."
XO, Jeanne
Posted by: jeanne | November 04, 2011 at 11:38 AM
For heavens' sake! I thought I left a comment here a long time ago about your gorgeous patio. It is majorly impressive.
But I really stopped by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is filled with delights.
Posted by: Janelle | November 23, 2011 at 09:53 PM
Betty, this is so cool! I love what you've done, and it is so creative. I really like when people accomplish something so much better than the ordinary with "less".
Thank you so much for your visit today. I think about you often, but I know, it's hard sometimes. I'm glad you still think of me too, though.
Posted by: Account Deleted | November 29, 2011 at 01:12 AM
Congratulations! This is a stunning patio. The granite "jigsaw puzzle" looks like the center point of this area. The best part is you've added your personal touch to it. It's a DIY patio!
Posted by: Shona Martinez | February 29, 2012 at 11:49 AM