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December 23, 2011



Oh how sweet are these aprons. You can count me in anytime. I did a little sewing myself today. Merry Christmas.

Elizabeth Quigley

Oh How sweet. I would love to do a swap for Valentines Day.
Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas, Betty! Your apron is fabulous, by the way. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family.



Happy Pink Saturday and Merry Christmas to you, sweet Betty. I hope you know I value the friendship we have formed as blogging buddies.

That apron is "to die for". Gorgeous and Awesome.


You rock Betty. Great apron...made from a tablecloth. WOW.
Little Red Riding Hood and ..... Raggedy Anne's too right??? I'm sure it's you.
Love all your tags... and you.
Merrry Christmas my dear friend.
Love You
Love Me


Your Christmas apron is vintage chic ! I do so love aprons. I bet you had great fun sewing them. The tags on the clothesline are so sweet and charming and your Little Red Riding Hood ornament adorable.


Hugs, Janice


Hello Betty, Anyone who receives any of your creations will be lucky indeed. I love the apron and your collage photos.

Thank you for your sweet comment.
Merry Christmas to you and yours Betty.
blessings and love, Jeanne

Kay Ellen

Happy PS~~and have a wonderful Christmas Betty!!

Love all your Christmas tags...sooo cute!



Happy Happy Christmas time to you and your family. I hope they all are well and doing just fine.
So good to get caught up at your blog. I had been trying to not be so connected to the computer during the holiday family time but am now back as I missed it I must admit.
Love to see your pics and new things at your home.

Ika Devita Susanti

Merry Christmas, Betty. You are fabulous! I can't even do those in time. Thank you for sharing.


Long time no blog see Betty! Dropping in to miss you a very belated Merry Christmas! Rachaelxo

shirley hatfield

Hello, I came over to visit from 521 Lake Street and was thrilled to find you were in the same Creative Breathing tag swap this year. Anyway...I really loved your tag, it was so cute and I totally believe you intended the glitter to look that way! =D

shirley hatfield

In case that last comment sounded weird...I read the post from earlier in the month. =D


I'm late, I'm late, but I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (at least I'm not late for the new year part)

I might be interested in your swap idea....can't fully commit yet, but it sounds intriguing.

Becky K.

I'm guessing your aprons were a hit! Hope you had a very lovely Christmas. Ours was fabulous and we continue the celebrations this weekend with my brother and his wife.
Happy New Year!


Ma ma ma Betty! Your apron is beautiful!!! I love it!!!! You are so talented!!! I can't wait to see the others!


Hey girl, where are you? I miss your posting and you. How are you and the pups? Have you had cold weather? It has been a mild winter here so far.

Just thinking of you my friend.
Happy days to you and yours.
Hugs, Jeanne

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