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February 01, 2012



As long as you're happy and having fun - that's all that matters!



Sometimes you just need a break. Smiles! Renee

I'm glad you told me all of those things. It sounds like you are having fun, and that life is good.

But, I have missed you. Please come back to "pinking". It just isn't the same without you.♥♥♥


Those are all great excuses. I don't have ANY excuses. Just feeling lazy and not motivated. AT ALL. I wish I could bike ride and play with socks instead of putting them in the washer and dryer and not matching them up, cuz the dryer ate them!!!
I know where you are, and I do miss you Betty.
See you Valentines Day. Five yrs. really??? WOW, no wonder you are doing other things....
Love You
Love Me


Love your crocheted blankie and sock monkeys, Bette. I don't think you need an excuse for living your life rather than making posts about living :) Enjoy!

Susan Freeman

Happy 5th year blogversary!!

Susan and Bentley


What! I missed your blogaversary or blogthday or whatever you want to call it! It's always nice to stop in for a visit. Love to hear that you're going for nice long bike rides. Sounds wonderful!

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