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March 16, 2012



Oh man that pink is perfect. I love it on the walls. Your little touches are too much. Well done. Smiles...Renee


Is that cute or what ! Popsicle sticks made into beadboard. Pretty darn good ! Love the pink gingham wallpaper with the white beadboard and the painted furniture.

Well done once again, Betty !
Hugs, Janice



HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY ! Will hubby be is cute little leprechan self again this year ?

Hugs again, Janice


It looks like Claudie's cottage kitchen !!!!
I LOVE it, and yes I see your hubby, lol...
Happy ST. P. Day Betty girl.


Simply adorable. Yummy.


HI sweet Betty! You are so creative! This is darling! I love all the pink in the kitchen! Beautiful job! I hope you are doing well. I am so glad you are having fun with your pretty dollhouse! xo~ Paula


Love your darling dollhouse! Your hubbo's a keeper!

jeanne, backyard neighbor

Yay, you posted the cutest thing and I just love what you did. Betty, I have a doll house and I am seriously wanting to redo the rooms. You have inspired me. The detail is awesome and I love the colors. So you say your hubs looks like a Leprechaun. HA!. I saw pics of him and he is good looking. Plus he is a keeper. I remember that he loves to dress up for St. Patrick's Day. Am I right?
Happy belated St. Pat's Day.

I miss visiting your blog even though I see you on FB. I am not much of a FB person but I do keep up with my teenage grands that way. I want them to know I am keeping a loving eye on them. Smile.

Happy days to you and yours Betty. Hug your pups for me.
Love, Jeanne

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