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April 11, 2012


Brenda Kula

This looks like such fun!


Oh the nursery is going to be so much fun.....this just gets better and better. love the dining room. Smiles...Renee


oh yes yes. A woman's home. The dark woods are very hot right now....much more formal. It is a hard choice..my heart goes to cottage and shabby chic but a physician may have more formal functions. Can't wait to see what you decide.


You are having so much fun! I love your artwork you created too.


divine! paint the chairs white but leave the rest! xo

Jojo Caramel

It's beautiful! Leave you some time to decide what to do. I would leave it but i'm not sure... You did such a good job Betty!
Here is a link of the most famous shop in Paris for dollhouses


Oh Betty! Did you ever pull one over on me! I have been away such a long time that I thought you had turned your real home into a style I don't associate with you from last I visited. Whew! What a beautiful doll house! The real thing for sure! Elizabeth

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