I've been working on tiny art work for the dollhouse dining room. The images were from an insert in Creating Vintage Charm by Olga's Designs. She has an Etsy shop where you can buy digital art supplies. I cut out the images and glued them to matboard. I made some air dry roses and then used Spackle to make a "frame". I painted the "frame" with a soft gray and then brushed on some country white. They're still drying, but I had to show somebody!! The dining room is turning out so pretty.
I found the most gorgeous adhesive fabric paper. I bought it at Michaels but you can find it here.
How sweet! I love tiny things! Have a great weekend. ; )
Posted by: Michele | April 06, 2012 at 07:06 AM
OMGosh! That adhesive paper is so gorgeous! I wan't some :D Your pictures and frames are just lovely....great job! Loving your dollhouse sprucing :)
Posted by: Mary | April 06, 2012 at 01:18 PM
These are so cute. Guess I need to get to finding a doll house. You are having way too much fun. Happy Easter..smiles..Renee
Posted by: Renee | April 06, 2012 at 06:45 PM
Those are sweet and elegant and you pretty crafty to know how to do it !
Happy Easter, dear Betty !
Hugs, Janice
Posted by: Janice | April 07, 2012 at 06:47 PM